This thought-provoking episode delves into the ethical considerations surrounding remuneration and health inequalities. In this enlightening conversation with Arfan Hanif, we unravel the complexities behind the term “health inequalities” and how it often acts as a coded expression, diluting the core issues. Arfan and Anna discuss the evolving commissioning landscape, emphasising the pivotal role of representation in mental health and the profound impact of research on decision-making. They explore the importance of a representative board in addressing historical research gaps, the delicate balance of compensating service users, the ethical nuances surrounding payment in academia, the imperative need for ethical boards in mental health, and the challenges in safeguarding vulnerable individuals. Arfan shares insights on viewing research remuneration as an investment, the power dynamics within academia, and the transformative impact of giving power away to empower others.
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Arfan is an experienced senior leader with three decades of leadership experience working in different parts of the country and covering a wide range of multi-disciplinary areas in the public and charity sectors. Arfan is currently CEO of Touchstone, which delivers several mental health and wellbeing services across the diverse communities of South and West Yorkshire. Arfan first made contact with Touchstone as a service user over ten years ago after travelling through the institutional mental health pathways of the Health system. Arfan believes that all lived experiences, including adversities, are powerful assets in an accepting, inclusive, compassionate environment. Arfan is a leader guided by lived experience, values and inclusiveness – putting the needs of people first.